The 8 Commandments of Giving Constructive Criticism

It’s very easy to give constructive criticism, but it’s not always easy to receive it. It takes a lot of patience and self-awareness to be able to take a step back and look at what we’re doing, acknowledge what we’re doing is wrong, and then take the advice we’re given.

It’s also difficult to give constructive criticism without going overboard. We all know that one person in the office who loves to give advice to other people but may not follow it themselves, or they’re unable to realize when they’re crossing a personal line.

Constructive criticism at its best is awkward to deal with, but it doesn’t mean it’s not helpful. Some people simply need that extra push to realize that they can be doing so much better than they are. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with giving and receiving feedback from an outside source. Without it, how would any of us ever know what we’re doing is right or wrong?

By learning to give and receive constructive criticism, businesses will give themselves a significant opportunity to build stronger bonds with each other, knowing everyone is looking out for one another. Here are some scenarios backed by statistics where giving and receiving constructive criticism is helpful.

Learning how to give and receive constructive criticism is a great way for employees and managers to build stronger bonds with each other. Without constructive criticism, no one would know what’s working and what’s not, which could negatively affect any business in a number of ways. Hopefully, these scenarios and do’s and don’ts make it easier to know when constructive criticism is most effective.


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