Callcentric, the global residential and business VoIP provider, offers tremendous flexibility with their service options; however, they may want to divert their attention towards customer service. Recently, I reached out to Callcentric for more information regarding their areas of service. While I needed the information quickly, I was ultimately unable to contact the provider immediately and directly. Instead, the only means of contact available to me was sending a ticketed message directly on their website.

Though the company lists a phone number on their “About Us” page, the provider does not currently offer live/phone support. Upon calling the phone number, I was met with an automated menu that directed me back to the message web page. At first, this struck me as being quite strange—a company that’s built to offer users optimal flexibility and their customer service was so limited. However, after reassessing the situation, I had an epiphany of sorts.

Phone support is 100% necessary; however, this type of messaging system has value as well. Callcentric’s messaging system allows for both users and non users to submit any type of message of up to 3000 characters. With that users and/or non users can thoroughly flesh out any question, problem, or comment in the space. Additionally, the Callcentric staff can provide more extensive information by providing detailed information, as well as sharing supplemental information through links, videos, images, etc. In doing this, the provider may be better able to provide long term solutions/answers and prevent potential reoccurring problems. Despite this ability however, messaging such as this is often time consuming and unhelpful to those looking for an immediate response; therefore, it is imperative that Callcentric offer another alternative.

Again, I called the provider in regards to a simple question, and I was ultimately unable to get the quick response I needed. Inversely, live/phone support has as much capability as messaging AND it is much more readily accessible. Both users and non users typically want answers/solutions immediately. Messages, despite their capabilities, cannot do this. Additionally, messages do not provide the level of comfortability and welcome live/phone support can. As a non user I didn’t feel the provider was completely available to me. Yes, I was able to submit my concerns in a message; however, I couldn’t talk to the provider directly.

It’s undeniable that Callcentric would benefit from live/phone support. While the lack of the option does not cripple the service, it doesn’t send the right message to users and non users. Live support engages customers on an individual basis that ticketed messages cannot account for. Sure, the provider is able to offer extensive solutions and answers via message; however, users and non users may not  wait for the help.